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Adrian Zagrodzki & Lukasz Jankowski on TGM’s The Insight Hour

Our Tourism Director Adrian Zagrodzki and Travel Manager Lukasz Jankowski are invited to join for another episode of TGM Research’s The Insight Hour podcast. In this episode, our travel experts dive into their own experiences of discovering Asia and making Vietnam their home; hence the name Echoes Across Borders: Living and Loving Asia. As both of our travel experts have been living in Vietnam for a long time, they had the chance to share how they got into tourism, what they find most interesting in Asia, and what cultural differences they experiences when moving to this part of the world.

In a world of cultural diversity, personal insights of Westerners experiencing Asian lifestyles and cultures offer a unique window into extraordinary perspectives. For example, Adrian observed that there is a marked difference in priorities in Poland. Where he came from, people tend to focus on working and studying more while here in Asia, people tend to be more relaxed and eat out more. Plus, street food options are more diverse in the oritental part of the globe. Another good point he noticed is that the locals tend to overlook simple things as simple as a banana flower while it is an unfamiliar or eccentric to foreign visitors. This view is extremely helpful for tourism personnel to understand the visitors' viewpoints and adjust their offers accordingly.

Meanwhile, Lukasz also brought a noteworthy observation to the table. Asian travelers tend to consider shopping as an integral part of their travel journeys, reflecting a cultural divergence and travel trend that we need to understand.

the insight hour podcast

That is just a glimpse of the various topics that Lukasz, Adrian, and Thuyen discussed in this episode of the podcast. Tune in to learn about:

  • Underrated travel destinations
  • Differences between Asian and Western travelers
  • Differences between Asian & Western lifestyles
  • Cultural diversity in Asia
  • Current state of Asia’s tourism industry

Listen to the new episode of TGM The Insight Hour | Echoes Across Borders: Living and Loving Asia on Spotify and on TGM Research YouTube channel.

For more information about global tourist behaviors or the travel industry, check out the interactive TGM Global Travel Report 2023 here. The report covers insights of respondents from 21 countries, spanning across various topics from traveler demographics, traveling activities, to popular airline brands. And if you want to get insider knowledge on your specific industry, contact TGM Research!

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